say "don't care" with school exam

Jumat, Maret 16, 2012 Nadia Dwifortuna 0 Comments

Well everybody, this is the trip to get fresh my brain before school examination guys. Tuesday is first day school examination, there are Geography and Indonesian , but I don't even care with exam hahahahaa.
I waited a long time ago to gather with them, We are quite busy with their school work. Ayu is my friend in JHS and Budel is my friend in SHS. Ayu and Budel from SMAN5 and I am from SMAN 2. We start the schedule at 02.00 pm. We then went to the bridge on the coast, began to take pictures there. Very tiring, but so nice to spend time with them. I'm so happy guys hahaha One of the things that can make me happy is photographed, and my bad mood can be better than ever. 

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