You can call her Faith :)
She's a Persian Cat that my sister bought it a month ago. She was born on 29 February 2012. She was very quiet and soft dense fur. She had to go to the beauty treatments 1 week for 1 time. I love my Faith.
Today, We'd go for a walk in the park and field. She had looked shocked because this is her first experience go to a place like that, but she also looks very excited to running .
Small things that make me happy
Rabu, Juni 27, 2012
Nadia Dwifortuna
Rabu, Juni 27, 2012 Nadia Dwifortuna 0 Comments
Collection of the glasses. First sun glasses is Ray Bean from Jogjakarta, and the last glasses is my Black Disney.
Black mask and red lip
Black Bloops pin
Revlon nail color
I have a member card of Hijab Community and I got discount for MO5 beauty treatment and Zaida.
Pleased to be present at the Grand Launching from HCD, and get a scraft from SUCH!
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Depok Community Festival 2012
Selasa, Juni 12, 2012
Nadia Dwifortuna
Selasa, Juni 12, 2012 Nadia Dwifortuna 0 Comments
Welcome to the Depok Community Festival 2012 guys!!
Last week, I have visited Depok Community Festival 2012, there were many exhibitions of creativity from Depok Resident. There is an exhibition of photographs from Depok photography, Hijab Community Depok, Depok Berkebun, Handmade Crafty, etc. I'm very interested with this Festival guys..
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Kamis, Juni 07, 2012
Nadia Dwifortuna
Kamis, Juni 07, 2012 Nadia Dwifortuna 0 Comments
Hello guys... In this moment, I have been staying at the Hotel Santika with my family. Bored in my room and I wanted to take photos. I'm wearing A striped scarf, Black ribbon and white shirt, Snake ring,Ghost bag, and Dexter shoes.
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About Nadia Dwifortuna
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Grab a cup of coffee, prepare your eyes and take your time to visit my blog :) Please make sure to follow and leave the comment on my post...
Have a nice day!!!
Nadia Dwifortuna

I tried to be careful to dipped my toe into the world of working photography.Take photos wherever you're, It's that simple. Don't sweat the details - make sure you get out with your camera and be ready for anything !!
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